Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Who was Florence Kelley?

Florence Kelley was the first woman factory inspector in the United States, appointed in Illinois by Governor John Peter Altgeld in 1893. A resident of Hull House, and a reformer – who refused to be associated with any political party–Florence Kelley lived in Chicago from 1891 until 1899, leading and participating in a variety of projects. These included: a wage and ethnicity census of the slums and tenements in Chicago; the reporting of cases and contagion in the smallpox epidemic of 1893; the enforcement of the universal primary education laws, and, most importantly, enforcing the provisions of the Illinois Factory Inspections Law of 1893.

Children digging with pick axes on a Chicago street; Chicago, IL. Source: ICHi-52108. Chicago History Museum. Reproduction of photographic print, photographer unknown. Date: 1898