Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Time Travelers! This is Florence Kelley, Factory Inspector, live from 1890s Chicago!

Time Travelers! This is Florence Kelley, Factory Inspector, live from 1890s Chicago (That’s Illinois, USA). Hello from Hull House in 1890’s Chicago, where we never stopped working. History is Life after our lives. I am still working! If you can read, you can travel anywhere, to any place, time, backwards and forward, to the past, to the future. To be free then, Time Travelers. 

Question: Why are you not talking to people, real live people who live when you do?! 

We talked to everyone, Jane Addams and I, wherever we found them. In the alleys, in the streets of the slums, underground in the cellar sweatshops. Why aren’t you talking to real people, not boxes? 

An epidemic? We had that in 1894 Chicago. Panic, deaths, quarantine, lockdown. Jane Addams and I, and the others, did our best to get rid of the incompetent, lazy man in charge of Public Health in Chicago. We failed. Went on anyway, doing our best. Which was a lot! Officials in charge? Foolish, wrong, recalcitrant, always, still, people died needlessly, children. 

Always protect the children. In my life, I taught women, girls, and especially young girls, ten, twelve, trapped on the filthy factory floor, taught them to read, and to do numbers.

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