Tuesday, February 20, 2024

We couldn’t even vote, but we were fierce!

In 1890s Chicago, we women workers marched onto the floor of the Illinois Legislature, loudly demanded: ‘Pass the Factory Inspection Law!’ 

And they did. 

We couldn’t even vote, but we were fierce!

League of Women Voters members parade in Chicago in August 1920
League of Women Voters members parade in Chicago in August 1920.LWV members parade in Chicago in August 1920 Left to right, Mrs. J.N. McGraw, Mrs. G.N. Payson, Mrs. Charles S. Eaton, Mrs. E.F. Bemins, Mrs. A.N. Schweizer, Ida Strawn Randall, Helen Hamilton (trumpeter), Billie Frees. [Credit: Wikipedia, Public domain]

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